
      Antonios Katsianismale from Greece. He is working on galaxy formation and evolution. Especially on the rate at which stars are formed within them. He has published 22 papers in international journals.



    Galaxy formation and evolution, Cosmological simulations, spectral energy distribution fitting techniques, galaxy star formation rates, galaxy stellar masses, supermassive black holes, gas phase metallicities, dark matter halo growth, main sequence of galaxies, galaxy outflows.



2004.09-2008.12 Bachelor of Science, Physics Honours, University of Patras

2008.09-2010.12, Master of Philosophy, Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, University of Patras

2012.03-2016.05, Doctor of Philosophy, Computational Cosmology, University of Melbourne




2016.03-2018.11, FONDECYT National Fellow, Department of Astronomy, University of Chile/National Observatory

2019.03-2023.04, Tsung-Dao Lee Institute Fellow, School of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2023.04-Now, Associate Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy, Sun Yat-sen University



[1] Katsianis A. , Yang X. , Zheng X. The Observed Cosmic Star Formation Rate Density Has an Evolution that Resembles a Γ(a, bt) Distribution and Can Be Described Successfully by Only Two Parameters. The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 919, Issue 2, id.88, pp.

[2] Katsianis A. ,  Xu H. , Yang X. , Luo Y., Cui W. , Dave R. , Lagos C. , Zheng X. , Zhao P. The specific star formation rate function at different mass scales and quenching: a comparison between cosmological models and SDSS. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 500, Issue 2, pp.2036-2048

[3] Katsianis A. ,  Gonzalez V. ,  Barrientos D. , Yang X. , Lagos C. Schaye J. ,  Camps P. , Trcka A., Baes M. , Stalevski M. , Blanc G. ,  Theuns T.  The high-redshift SFR-M* relation is sensitive to the employed star formation rate and stellar mass indicators: towards addressing the tension between observations and simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 492, Issue 4, p.5592-5606

[4] Katsianis A. , Zheng X. , Valentino G. , Guillermo B. ,  Lagos C. , Luke D. , Camps P. , Trcka A. , Baes M. , Schaye J. , Trayford J. , Theuns T. , Stalevski M.  An Evolving and Mass-dependent σsSFR-M  Relation for Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 879, Issue 1, article id. 11, pp. (2019)

[5] Katsianis A. , Blanc G. , Lagos C. , Tejos N. , Bower R. , Alavi A. , Gonzalez V. , Theuns T. , Schaller M. , Lopez S.  The evolution of the star formation rate function in the EAGLE simulations: a comparison with UV, IR and Hα observations from z ∼ 8 to z ∼ 0. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 472, Issue 1, p.919-939