
E-Mail: luofeng5@mail.sysu.edu.cn




(My research is in the area of particle physics and cosmology. The topics I have been working on include dark matter, big-bang nucleosynthesis, supersymmetry phenomenology and other beyond the Standard Model physics.)


粒子宇宙学、超出标准模型的新物理 (Particle Physics and Cosmology, Physics Beyond the Standard Model)


2004, 大连理工大学物理系, 学士 (Dalian University of Technology,B.E.)

2007, 大连理工大学物理系, 硕士 (Dalian University of Technology,M.S.)

2012, 美国明尼苏达大学物理系, 博士 (University of Minnesota, Ph.D.)


2012.09 - 2014.08, 英国伦敦国王学院, 博士后 (Kings College London, Postdoctoral Research Associate)          

2014.09 - 2015.08, 欧洲核子研究中心, 博士后 (CERN, Fellow)

2015.11 - 2018.03, 日本东京大学卡弗里数物连携宇宙研究机构, 博士后 (Kavli IPMU, Project Researcher)

2018.03 - 至今, 中山大学, 副教授 (Sun-Yat Sen University, Associate Professor)


S. P. Liew and F. Luo, Effects of QCD Bound States on Dark Matter Relic Abundance, JHEP 1702, 091 (2017)

J. Ellis, J. L. Evans, F. Luo, N. Nagata, K. A. Olive and P. Sandick,
Beyond the CMSSM without an Accelerator: Proton Decay and Direct Dark Matter Detection, Eur. Phys. J. C 76, 8 (2016)

J. Ellis, F. Luo and K. A. Olive, Gluino Coannihilation Revisited, JHEP 1509, 127 (2015)

N. Desai, J. Ellis, F. Luo and J. Marrouche,
Closing in on the Tip of the CMSSM Stau Coannihilation Strip, Phys. Rev. D 90, 055031 (2014)

J. Ellis, F. Luo, K. A. Olive and P. Sandick, The Higgs Mass beyond the CMSSM, Eur. Phys. J. C 73, 2403 (2013)

R. H. Cyburt, J. Ellis, B. D. Fields, F. Luo, K. A. Olive and V. C. Spanos, Metastable Charged Sparticles and the Cosmological Li7 Problem,
JCAP 1212, 037 (2012) 

F. Luo, K. A. Olive and J. P. Uzan, Gyromagnetic Factors and Atomic Clock Constraints on the Variation of Fundamental Constants, Phys. Rev. D 84, 096004 (2011)

F. Luo, K. A. Olive and M. Peloso, The Gravitino Coupling to Broken Gauge Theories Applied to the MSSM, JHEP 1010, 024 (2010)