学术报告第213期:Non-equilibrium spin transport and relaxation time approximation
星期二, 2021/05/25 - 10:00 to 11:00
主讲人 (Speaker):
主讲人单位 (Speaker's Institute):
邀请人 (Invited by):
时间 (Time):
星期二, 2021/05/25 - 10:00 to 11:00
地点 (Location):
摘要 (Abstract):
We analyze the collision terms in spin transport theory for systems close to equilibrium. While the equilibrium spin distribution function can be obtained from the detailed balance principle, the non-equilibrium fluctuations in spin distribution include both damping and polarization effect. The damping and polarization rates or the relaxation times are expressed in terms of various Dirac components of the selfenergy. Unlike the usually used Anderson-Witting relaxation time approximation assuming a single time scale for different degrees of freedom, the polarization effect is induced by the thermal vorticity and its time scale of thermalization is different from the damping. The numerical calculation in the Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model shows that, charge is thermalized earlier and spin is thermalized later.
主讲人简介 (Speaker's CV):