学术报告第215期:A deep convective model for circumpolar vortices on Jupiter
星期一, 2021/05/31 - 10:00 to 11:30
学术报告第215期:A deep convective model for circumpolar vortices on Jupiter
主讲人 (Speaker):
主讲人单位 (Speaker's Institute):
邀请人 (Invited by):
时间 (Time):
星期一, 2021/05/31 - 10:00 to 11:30
地点 (Location):
摘要 (Abstract):
Recently circumpolar vortices have been observed in Jupiter’s poles by the Juno spacecraft. However, the formation and maintenance of these polygonal vortices remain unclear. In this work, we show that these polygonal vortices could be generated and formed naturally in rapidly rotating turbulent convection. Small vortices first appear in rapidly rotating turbulent convection; then they grow up into large-scale vortices through merger or saturation processes; and finally the beta effect pushes them to form a polygonal pattern. We find that a large Coriolis parameter is necessary to keep the polygonal pattern stable.
主讲人简介 (Speaker's CV):
Tao Cai is an assistant professor at the State Key Laboratory of Lunar and Planetary Sciences in Macau University of Science and Technology. He obtained his PhD degree in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2011. He worked as a lecturer in Sun Yat-sen University from 2013-2017, and then moved to Macau University of Science and Technology as an assistant professor in 2018. His research interests include stellar/planetary hydrodynamics and interior structures.